Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mark Driscoll is the man

Howdy all

Shocker, three post in almost a week, who knew i would be so bored with school work that i would resort to trying to tell seven people about my life. Well, school is tedious, I think this online class is much like high school math. What i mean by this is that there is not a whole lot of important information coming through my brain, but my homework is tedious. I keep having to reexplain the same communication theory over and over again. Right now i am writing a paper and i am on page 6 and have not had an original idea since page two.

Okay rant over, now onto the real reason I decided to blog, and the second half of my last post. Pastor Mark Driscoll. Some people love him, some people hate him. I am the former. This guy has quickly become one of my top favorite bible teachers of all time. I decided to make a list of the reasons i like him

1. He teaches expositoryly
2. He yells at the men with Gods righteous anger
3. He is gentle when talking to the ladies
4. He really cares about his congregation
5. He does not sugarcoat sin
6. There are many many more

Well that is all i have to say about the matter. What do you think about him? Pro or Negative?


cpsanborn said...

I'm pro. I enjoyed that forum that we watched - I thought that he restrained himself when appropriate, but was honest and straightforward with questions directed towards him. I definitely appreciate that.

stephy said...

I found your blog because you linked back to my other one. :)
I live in Seattle and have been to Mars Hill, and have a lot of friends who still go there. I have a lot of thoughts on it and I have written them at my other blog, so here is a link to one of the posts. Just some food for thought for you, since you were asking about it.